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Falk Symposium: Genetics in Liver Disease 156 (2007, Hardcover) by read online book EPUB, DOC


Articles represent the proceedings of the Falk Symposium No. 156 on Genetics in Liver Disease, part of the XIII International Liver Week 2006 held in Freiburg, Germany. Contributions come from an international team of leading scientists and clinicians. In the tradition of the Falk Symposia, this book provides an exciting overview of current developments in the genetics of liver diseases, their diagnosis, treatment, and prevention., The articles in this volume represent the proceedings of the Falk Symposium No. 156 on Genetics in Liver Disease, part of the XIII International Liver Week 2006 held in Freiburg, Germany. Contributions come from an international team of leading scientists and clinicians. The first section covers the basic aspects of genetic diagnosis, pharmacogenetics, and micro-arrays and their relevance to liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and gallstone diseases. The second section discusses the most important hereditary liver diseases, including haemchromatosis, Wilson disease, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, porphyrias, and cystic fibrosis. Finally, the third section presents the genetics of cholestatic and metabolic liver diseases as well as the current status of experimental and clinical studies on gene therapy for liver diseases and stem cell transplantation. Each section starts with a state-of-the-art lecture introducing the topic. In the tradition of the Falk Symposia, this book provides an exciting overview of the current developments in the genetics of liver diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention., This book is the proceedings of the Falk Symposium No.156 on ?Genetics in Liver Disease?, part of the XIII International Liver Week 2006 held in Freiburg, Germany, 7 October 2006. The first section covers the basic aspects of genetic diagnosis, pharmacogenetics, micro-arrays and their relevance for liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and gallstone diseases. In the second section, the most important hereditary liver diseases are discussed, including haemchromatosis, Wilson disease, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, porphyrias and cystic fibrosis. In the third section, the genetics of cholestatic and metabolic liver diseases as well as the current status of experimental and clinical studies of gene therapy for liver diseases and stem cell transplantation are presented. Each section starts with a State-of-the-Art Lecture which introduces the topic. In the tradition of the Falk Symposia, this book provides an exciting overview of the current developments in the field of genetics of liver diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention, presented by an international array of outstanding scientists and clinicians., This book is the proceedings of the Falk Symposium No.156 on Genetics in Liver Disease, part of the XIII International Liver Week 2006 held in Freiburg, Germany, 7 October 2006. The first section covers the basic aspects of genetic diagnosis, pharmacogenetics, micro-arrays and their relevance for liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and gallstone diseases. In the second section, the most important hereditary liver diseases are discussed, including haemchromatosis, Wilson disease, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, porphyrias and cystic fibrosis. In the third section, the genetics of cholestatic and metabolic liver diseases as well as the current status of experimental and clinical studies of gene therapy for liver diseases and stem cell transplantation are presented. Each section starts with a State-of-the-Art Lecture which introduces the topic. In the tradition of the Falk Symposia, this book provides an exciting overview of the current developments in the field of genetics of liver diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention, presented by an international array of outstanding scientists and clinicians.

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