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Sexual Assault Victimization Across the Life Span 2E, Volume 1 : Investigation, Diagnosis, and the Multidisciplinary Team read online book FB2, PDF


Sexual Assault Across the Life Span, Volume 1: Investigation, Diagnosis, and the Multidisciplinary Team is the first of a 3-volume set of sexual assault references. This first volume serves as a complete guide for multidisciplinary team members involved in the investigation of sexual assault. It includes comprehensive medical guides for the diagnosis and treatment of assaultive trauma; legal guides to investigation and prosecution; and guidelines for the role of first responders in cases of sexual assault, including EMS and law enforcement professionals.Supplemented by nearly 200 full-color photographs, this new title offers an excellent visual reference for professionals in the field, in addition to in-depth guidelines for diagnostic and investigative procedures in response to sexual assault. Readers in medicine, law enforcement, and social service will all benefit from its comprehensive focus on a variety of interdependent investigative disciplines, making this all-new, convenient reference an ideal resource for any and all professionals in sexual assault response., Sexual Assault: Victimization Across the Life Span Second Edition examines both the theory and practice of working with sexually abused or assaulted individuals, providing active skills and a framework of knowledge in which to situate them. It also recognizes the very different experiences and presentations of adults and of children, providing individualized approaches to each. Individual sections are devoted to the unique problems of sexual victimization for children, adolescents, and adults. Other invaluable chapters on domestic violence, acquaintance rape, male sexual assault, sexual assault in correctional settings, assault of the elderly, and victimization of people with disabilities are included., Suitable for those treating or investigating sexual assault, this book offers information on physical examinations, proper documentation, forensic evidence, and legal issues. It includes sections devoted to the unique problems of sexual victimization of various age groups.

Read online Sexual Assault Victimization Across the Life Span 2E, Volume 1 : Investigation, Diagnosis, and the Multidisciplinary Team by Angelo P. Giardino DOC, MOBI

Through semiotic analysis, Jarmakani demonstrates that these images have functioned as nostalgic placeholders for pressing, yet unarticulated concerns about shifting spatial and temporal realities within the contexts of expansionism/modernization and imperialism/late capitalism.As Paul takes greater and greater risks, he'll find that everyone in his path is playing their own game, and no one is quite who they seem.In the end, the study enables us to gain a broader view of how gender was constructed, perceived, and contested in early Christianity., This study is the first full-length monograph on the subject of dress in early Christianity.Denin maintains that the definitions of childhood by the 1970s had become detrimentally entrenched in educational and political policies regarding children.School No. 25 molded these elements into an organic whole.At a time when debate and reform in the larger landscape of the Muslim world, and in countries like Pakistan in particular, are virtually non-existent, "Children of Dust" is a call to thought."--Fatima Bhutto, author of "The Shadow of the Crescent Moon" Ali Eteraz's much-anticipated debut novel is the story of M., a supportive husband, adventureless dandy, lapsed believer, and second-generation immigrant who wants nothing more than to host parties and bring children into the world as full-fledged Americans.People lamenting Constitutional rights they don't have .As a result, they add important conceptual and empirical material to a growing literature on the challenges of gender equity in agricultural production.Debunks the myths of hormone therapy and proves that it is much more effective than people think.